Wencke Walter
- Volunteer

Growing up in good old Germany, I spent most of my childhood on soccer grounds, in the woods and on the street, competing against guys in basically all kind of sports. Since it was never my desire to become a professional soccer player, I focused on my academic training in the following years. Inspired by biographies of various great scientists and driven by a desire to understand nature, I decided to study Biological Sciences at the University of Rostock. Not at all happy with the meager results obtained after countless hours in the wet lab it occurred to me, that it would be more satisfying to make sense out of the data rather than producing them. As a result, I enrolled in the Master of Science in Bioinformatics degree program at the Friedrich- Schiller University Jena and obtained my master's degree in 2013. In order to discover something new and to get out of my comfort zone, I packed my bag and moved to Spain to work towards my doctoral degree in Biomedicine at the Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), Madrid, Spain. Although the work is fascinating and I truly enjoy scientific research, I always felt a longing to be closer to people and to be a responsible part of a worldwide society. When I found the 'Green Health for All' project, I was immediately hooked and I am looking forward to participate in such an ambitious initiative.