Waste Management Training

Waste Management Training

Tue 22nd Aug [10:00] → 22nd Aug 2017

On Tuesday 22nd of August, The Greens will be facilitating a training on Waste Management with a practical lesson at the end of the training being to upcycle automobile tires to make Mushroom recreational seats at the Regional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development.


The training is free and participants are expected to learn more about waste, sources of waste, the effects of poor waste management and practical ways on how they can reduce, reuse and recycle waste. The 2 hours training shall immediately be followed by a practical demonstration on how participants can use automobile tires to produce beautiful mushroom seats and flowerpots/gardening pots 

For more details, contact me on WhatsApp or Text message @ 676243136.

"Stop wasting your waste"