The Story of The Greens Part: Reminiscing the year The Greens was founded.
The idea to start a youth environmental organization was conceived by Mr Greens in 2009.
What inspired Mr Greens to start The greens?
Growing up in a poverty stricken community plagued by diverse environmental crises such as poor waste disposal, climate change, rapid deforestation and species extinction; amidst the absence of young people in environmentalism, Mr Green was inspired to make a difference.
In 2009 he conceived the idea of bring together young people to address the complex environmental issues plaguing his community and on the 1st of January 2010, he pledged to become an Environmental Defender. He then mobilized a group of young people who wanted to do something to clean-up, fix-up and conserve the environment. Together, they went around cleaning and greening schools in a project he called “Beautiful Clean Green Schools (BECLEGS)”. The success stories of BECLEGS greatly inspired him and in November 2010, he was among one of the first Cameroonian youths to register a not-for-profit, apolitical, and non-sectarian youth environmental organization in his region.
The 2010 Green Year
On the 1st of January 2010, The Greens was founded and sometime within that year, The Greens was registered as a club of Do Something and then a member of Clean Up the World during which Mr Greens conceived The Greens pioneer project, Beautiful Clean Green Schools (BECLEGS).
Beautiful Clean Green Schools (BECLEGS) was implemented during the 2010 Clean Up the World Weekend that held from the at Gratitude Bilingual Nursery and Primary School in Mile 3 Nkwen, Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon.
There, members of the green team demonstrated their passion for environmental education and action as they were able to educate, inspire and engage more than 300 pupils to cleanup, fix-up and green their school environment.
After speaking about the importance of a beautiful, clean and green school environment, they coordinated and engaged the pupils of the institution in general cleaning, picking up of litter and the planting of 1000 ornamental trees and flowers.
This led to the creation of The Greens’ first environmental club known as “Gratitude Green Club”.
The event was such a great success in 2010 and The Greens is proud to say that their work at Gratitude Bilingual Nursery and Primary School is still alive today.
The trees and flowers have grown big and Gratitude Bilingual Nursery and Primary School is a beautiful, clean and green school till date.